Енциклопадия расох живини

Циль того проєкта промоция старих, традиционалних, забутих, загрожених и менєй познатих домашнїх расох. Крочай по крочай, жадаме вам представиц шицки раси живини.

We are a group of breeders who are interested in breeding rare poultry breeds which are endangered by extinction. Our goal is to create Europe wide network of such breeders to preserve the historic heritage of our ancestors for future generations.

We want to translate our website into as many languages as possible in order to remove language barriers and join more enthusiasts into this project so that we can save as many breeds as possible.

If you speak any language in which we do not have this website yet, feel free to contact us and help us to translate it.

Кадакнат кура Липска гуска Индийска гуска

Реґистрованє на меилинґ лїстину

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Copyright © Енциклопадия расох живини, 2011–2024. Шицки права затримани
Мапа сайта – Лїстина шицких расох живини
Остатнї пременки: 08. авґуст 2024