Descrierea raseiKosovo Long Crowing Rooster or simple Kosovo Longcrower is an old landraces originating from Kosovo. As the name suggests, its main feature long crowing ("singing"). Before 2011 it was rarely kept only in Kosovo and in the surroundings areas. In 2011 we have imported hatching eggs from Kosovo to Slovakia and Czechia and we have established there a strong population of about 80 birds. In the following years we have shared hatching eggs and roosters with other poultry breeders across Europe. At the moment this breed is kept in the following countries and it is no more an endangered breed: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, France, Germany, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Sweden. Largest amount of birds is still kept in Czechia and Slovakia. Find out more at |
![]() Cocoș cântăreț de Kosovo |
Culoarea penajului negru
cocoș 2,4-3,25 kg
găină 1,5-2,5 kg
Țara de origine Kosovo
Producția anuală de ouă 160 ouă
Greutatea oului 55-60 g
Culoarea cojii oului alb
Utilizare carne, ouă, creșterea păsărilor de curte ca hobby
Mărimea inelului
cocoș 20 mm
găină 18 mm
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Ultima actualizare: 08. august 2024