Poultry Breeds Encyclopedia > Goose Breeds

Goose Breeds

1. Goose Breeds derived from the Greylag Goose

2. Goose Breeds originated in hybrids between Greylag Goose and Swan Goose

3. Goose Breeds derived from the Swan Goose

Goose Breeds derived from the Greylag Goose

Czech Goose Pomeranian Goose Franconian Goose blue pied
Goose BreedsCountry of origineUtilisationPlumage colour
Alsatian GooseFrancemeat, feathergrey, grey pied, white
American Buff GooseUSA (Unites States of America)meat, featherbuff + crested
Austrian Landrace GooseAustriameat, feathergrey, grey pied, white
Basque GooseSpainmeat, feathergrey
Bavarian Landrace GooseGermanymeat, feathergrey, grey pied, white
Benkov GooseBulgariameat, featherwhite
Bourbon GooseFrancemeat, featherwhite
Brecon Buff GooseGreat Britainmeat, featherbuff
Celle GooseGermanymeat, featherbrown
Cotton Patch GooseUSA (Unites States of America)meat, feather, weed controlcolorsexing (male white, female grey pied)
Czech GooseCzechiameat, featherwhite + crested
Danish Landrace GooseDenmarkmeat, feathergrey, grey pied
Diepholz GooseGermanymeat, featherwhite
Drava GooseCroatia, Serbiameat, feathergrey, grey pied
Emden GooseGermanymeat, featherwhite
Emporda GooseSpainmeat, featherwhite, crested
English Saddleback GooseGreat Britainmeat, featherbuff pied
Faroese GooseFaroe Islandsmeat, feathergrey pied, blue pied
Flemish GooseBelgiummeat, feathergrey pied, white
Franconian GooseGermanymeat, featherblue
German Laying GooseGermanyegg, meat, featherwhite
Hungarian GooseHungarymeat, featherwhite
Italian GooseItalyegg, meat, featherwhite + crested
Javakheti GooseGeorgiameat, featherwhite, grey pied, grey
Landes GooseFrancemeat, feathergrey
Leine GooseGermanymeat, featherwhite, grey pied, grey
Lippe GooseGermanymeat, featherwhite
Lomellina GooseItalymeat, featherwhite, grey pied
Normandy GooseFrancemeat, feathercolorsexing (male white, female grey pied) + crested
Norwegian small GooseNorwaymeat, feathergrey pied
Norwegian White GooseNorwaymeat, featherwhite
Öland GooseSwedenmeat, feathergrey pied
Padovana GooseItalymeat, feathergrey
Pilgrim GooseUSA (Unites States of America)meat, feathercolorsexing (male white, female grey pied)
Poitevin GooseFrancemeat, feathergrey
Poitou GooseFrancemeat, featherwhite
Pomeranian GooseGermany, Polandmeat, feathergrey, grey pied, white, buff
Rhenish GooseGermanyegg, meat, featherwhite
Scania GooseSwedenmeat, feathergrey pied
Sebastopol GooseUkraine, Romania, Hungarymeat, feather, hobby breedingcurly plumage + white, grey pied, buff,
Shetland GooseGreat Britainmeat, feathercolorsexing (male white, female grey pied)
Slovak White GooseSlovakiameat, featherwhite
Suchovy GooseSlovakiameat, featherbuff
Toulouse GooseFrancemeat, feather, hobby breedinggrey
Touraine GooseFrancemeat, featherwhite
Tula GooseRussiameat, feather, goose fightinggrey, buff
Twente Landrace GooseNetherlandsmeat, feathergrey pied
Venetian GooseItalymeat, feathergrey pied
Vishtines GooseLithuaniameat, featherwhite
West of England GooseGreat Britainmeat, feathercolorsexing (male white, female grey pied) + crested
Yili GooseChinameat, feathergrey

Goose Breeds originated in hybrids between Greylag Goose and Swan Goose

Steinbacher Goose Kholmogory Goose
Goose BreedsCountry of origineUtilisationPlumage colour
African GooseMadagascarmeatbrown, white, buff, blue
Kholmogory GooseRussiameat, featherwhite, grey pied, grey
Steinbacher GooseGermanymeat, feather, goose fightingblue, grey

Goose Breeds derived from the Swan Goose

Chinese Goose, white Chinese Goose, brown Chinese Goose, buff
Goose BreedsCountry of origineUtilisationPlumage colour
Baizi GooseChinaegg, meatwhite, brown
Changle GooseChinameatbrown
Chinese GooseChinameat, featherbrown, white
Co GooseViet Nammeat, featherbrown, white
Fengcheng Grey GooseChinaegg, meat, featherbrown
Gang GooseChinameatbrown
Guangfeng White GooseChinaegg, meat, featherwhite
Huoyan GooseChinaegg, meatwhite
Lianhua White GooseChinameatwhite
Lingxian White GooseChinameatwhite
Magang GooseChinameatbrown
Minbei White GooseChinameat, featherwhite
Shitou GooseChinameat, featherbrown
Sichuan White GooseChinaegg, meat, featherwhite
Taihu GooseChinaegg, meat, featherwhite
Wanxi White GooseChinameat, featherwhite
Wugang Copper GooseChinameatbrown, white
Wuzong GooseChinameat, featherbrown
Xingguo Grey GooseChinaegg, meat, featherbrown
Xupu GooseChinameat, eggwhite, brown
Yan GooseChinameatbrown
Yangjiang GooseChinameatbuff
Yongkang Grey GooseChinameatbrown
Youjiang GooseChinameatbrown
Zhedong White GooseChinameat, featherwhite
Zhijin White GooseChinaegg, meat, featherwhite
Zi GooseChinaegg, meatwhite

Landes Goose Pomeranian Goose Landes Goose

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